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[talk.cybercni.fr] Aaron Ding (TU Delft) – Trustworthy and Sustainable Edge AI
Objet : [talk.cybercni.fr] Aaron Ding (TU Delft) – Trustworthy and Sustainable Edge AI
Emplacement : https://talk.cybercni.fr/
Date : mercredi 26 octobre 2022, de : 14:00 à 15:30  GMT +01:00 Bruxelles, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris
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## Title Trustworthy and Sustainable Edge AI ## Abstract Despite of promising impact, Edge AI is facing two major challenges for its large scale deployment: trustworthiness and sustainability. On trustworthiness, Edge AI benefits from its close proximity to the end-devices and user generated data. However, due to the distributed deployment and deep penetration into personal context, the safety and perceived trustworthiness for Edge AI services raise concerns among several stakeholders (e.g., end users, public sectors, ISP). To achieve trustworthy Edge AI, critical building blocks are needed for ensuring transparency, fairness and robustness, especially for its training and deployment in decentralized, uncontrolled environments. The trustworthiness of Edge AI is a stepping stone, on which the promise of Edge AI can be built. Meanwhile, being a critical goal of sustainability, the energy consumption of Edge AI needs to be optimized. The energy efficiency is crucial for embedding Edge AI to our infrastructures (e.g., road side units, micro base stations) in order to sustainably support advanced autonomous driving and Extended Reality (XR) services in the years to come. Across the pipeline of data acquisition, transfer, computation, and storage, there exists the possibility for Edge AI to trade off accuracy to less power and less time consumed. For instance, noisy inputs from numerous sensors can be selectively processed and transferred in order to save energy. This new dimension to the optimization design can pave the way towards a sustainable deployment of Edge AI. ## Aaron Ding Aaron Ding is leading the Cyber-Physical Intelligence (CPI) Lab as tenured Associate Professor of Edge AI at TU Delft. He has been awarded EU research grants (€5M+) as Consortium Director and PI. With over 15 years of R&D experience across EU, UK and USA, he has worked at TU Munich with Jörg Ott, at Columbia University with Henning Schulzrinne, at University of Cambridge with Jon Crowcroft. His research focuses on edge computing, edge AI, and data-driven IoT services. Being an active member of ACM, IEEE and IETF, he is the founder of ACM EdgeSys, Associate Editor for ACM TIOT and IEEE OJ-ITS. For contributions to mobile edge computing, his research has received best paper awards and recognition from ACM SIGCOMM, ACM EdgeSys, ACM SenSys CCIoT, and IEEE INFOCOM. Details of his projects and publications can be found on site: https://homepage.tudelft.nl/8e79t/ ## TU Delft Founded in 1842, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive university of technology in the Netherlands and globally ranked top 10 on the 2022 QS World University Rankings of Engineering & Technology. TU Delft collaborates with a wide network of educational, industrial, and governmental partners. It is a member of university federations including the IDEA League, CESAER, UNITECH International and 4TU. Protecting against cyber risks is the domain of Cybersecurity. The Cyber CNI Speaker series wants to raise awareness and understanding of cybersecurity topics. It wants to enable a continuous dialog between experts from industry and academia and the general public, including individuals, families, companies from small to large sizes, and public bodies – in short everyone, since cybersecurity is relevant for each of us. The Cyber CNI speaker series is a free monthly event on the last Wednesday of the month from 17h-18h30. The event consists of an expert talk of about 40 minutes followed by 30 minutes discussion. The events happen in the Grand Amphitheatre at IMT Atlantique in Rennes (Cesson-Sévigné) AND are broadcasted live over Youtube (https://talk.cybercni.fr/), enabling global remote participation and including a tool for participating in the discussion. You are cordially invited to participate. Please safe the dates and subscribe to receive email notifications!